Our vision is to be a one stop center for world missions and societal transformation and we believe to engage in mission would mean to be involved and be highly impactful in the lives of especially the vulnerable ones.  We understand that we must first show our open hearts and wide arms open to the people before we can offer them the gospel. In fact our simple acts of thoughtfulness often pave the way for the gospel. Some of our recipients and beneficiaries read off these gestures as the Gospel in itself. For a fact, they are absolutely correct. Isn’t this what Christ preached?
The church has been involved in highly impactful community projects since its inception. Some of these projects include Community Invasions, Hospital and Prison visitations, Food drive during festive seasons, Home supply give-aways, wardrobe initiatives with the most recent as serving lunch for the needy during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Every act we carry out is Christ/Gospel-Centric and we have over the years recorded thousands of saved souls and general life transformations